Using Numerology to Find the Right Home

Numerology to Find the Right Home

Are you trying to buy a new home and you aren’t sure what home to choose? Have you ever realized that you would get a certain feeling about a home that you look at? Some of the houses will be weird or spooky while some will feel cold. Others will be comfortable and warm.

You can use numerology to help you to find your home. Using your Life Path Number along with this can help you to find the right home for you.

Life Path Number

Your Life Path Number is part of what your personality tells about you. When you know this number, you can know which direction to take in your life.

Find Y our Life Path Number

You can find your Life Path Number by looking at your date of birth. If you were born on February 25, 1964, you would write 2+2+5+1+9+6+4=20 so your Life Path Number is 2.

You can do the same thing with the address of your home. If the address is 1224 Right Street. You would write 1+2+2+4 and the number would be 9.

Finding the Right House Match

When you are trying to find a home, you need to find one that has vibrations that fit your energies. Your Life Path Number will not always match up to your house number and that is okay. Talk to a psychic and see how you can change the energy of your home to match each other so that you can be strong both in and out of your home.

  • House Number 1

This number can be a positive number with strong energies. This is a great home for those that invent things and those that want to set new trends. The Life Path Numbers best for this home are 1, 3 and 8.

  • House Number 2

This kind of house will bring you peace and can help you to have balance. It is a friendly home and is for people that love to work, that are kind and easy to get along with. This is perfect for Life Path Numbers 2, 6 and 9.

  • House Number 3

This kind of house is a happy house. It has a lot of energy and can make many friends. It is a home for creative people that love music and want to have a house full of friends. The Life Path Number for this home is 1,3 and 5.

  • House Number 4

A house that is neat and orderly is this home. It loves people that are organized and like to do projects to make the home better. The best people for this house are Life Path Numbers 4,7 and 8.

  • House Number 5

A house that will need changes and challenges will be this house. It wants to have people that live there only for a while. People here will often change the decorations of the house. This works best for Life Path Numbers of 1, 3 and 5.

  • House Number 6

This house is a loving and peaceful house. People that love the number 6 will want to live here. This is a romantic home, and it works best for Life Path Numbers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9.

  • House Number 7

This house can make you feel excited and is mysterious. It works well for people that are smart and love to imagine things. This house is great if you want to develop your psychic energies and your gifts. This works best for Life Path Numbers 7 and 9.

  • House Number 8

This house is one that is successful. People here need to have goals and should be business-oriented kind of people. This works best for Life Path Numbers 1, 4 and 8.

  • House Number 9

This house is a healing house. It is best for people that are nurses, doctors or that love humanitarian projects. This house works best for Life Path Numbers 2, 6 and 9.

Final Thoughts

When you are trying to buy a new home, you might wonder why you have not ever found one that feels perfect. Look at your Life Path Number and your house number and see if you can find the house that is meant for you. Everyone deserves to have a happy home and you can find yours!



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