Using Chinese Astrology with Sex

Chinese Astrology

Do you want to have fun in the bedroom, and you want to know how to make sex the most exciting? Chinese astrology can allow you to look at your sign and your year and find out how to make changes that can bring a spark to the bedroom. Each sign has different vibrations, and they are able to be sexier in different ways.

Find out what your sign says about sex for you!

  • Rat

Rat is considered the one kind of person that is the first and the first one to finish. This can be a great thing if you are the female but if you are the man, this might cause him to not please his partner. Rats like to try different things when it comes to sex so make sure that you bring toys and snacks.

  • Ox

Ox likes to take things slow. They have strong bodies, and they want to make sure that they are comfortable before the sex even starts. When you are ready to get to the finish line, this can be a fantastic time and well worth waiting.

  • Tiger

Tigers are strong and they are beautiful. They love to have sex and they love to please their partner. They want to have sex that is hot and long. Make sure to crack the window to let some air in before it gets too steamy.

  • Rabbit or Cat

This sign is a lazy sign, but they are gentle when they are in bed. They might stroke you slowly and get you going and once they do, they don’t want to stop. Bring love to the bedroom and you can reach your climax with them.

  • Dragon

Dragons are considered great at using their hands. They are a lover that will make sure that they are pleasing their partner. They will make it fun by talking dirty and then after they will want to have conversation and not leave you feeling weird.

  • Snake

Snakes are smooth and they have moves like none other. They like to make love with different moves, and they will make their partner open up.

  • Horse

Horses like to have fun and they are intimate with their partner. They will satisfy their partner and will be passionate when it comes to love making.

  • Sheep

Sheep are considered one of the sexiest signs. They are very sensual, and they know what to do to please their partner. They will use their talents to get you excited.

  • Monkey

Monkeys will make a great partner when it comes to sex. They will move with you, and they will be playful in bed.

  • Rooster

Roosters are about trying new things. If you like kinky things like threesomes, this is a sign that you might want to give a try. They don’t care how many lovers they have, and they will keep the lights on so they can see you.

  • Dog

Dogs are loyal and sexy. They love to use their mouth when it comes to sex. They will want you to smell good for them and this will make them crazy for you.

  • Boar or Pig

This sign is one that is compassion, and they will make love to you in an emotional and spiritual way. They are creative when it comes to sex, and they will make sure that you leave pleased.



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