Traditional and Modern Astrology

Traditional and Modern Astrology

Being an astrologer means that you study the stars and planets, but it is more than that. There are different kinds of astrology that can make predictions and have their own symbols such as Vedic astrology and Western astrology.

In Western astrology, there are two different kinds of practices which is the Modern and Traditional astrology. People aren’t always agreeable on which way to do a reading with the Western astrological chart, and it has been a big debate. This is blamed on different people that have done the traditional methods but haven’t followed them correctly.

Traditional astrologers and Modern astrologers spread misinformation about astrology and the different facts about it.

Understanding Astrology

Astrology is studying the external and internal areas in the effects of how the celestial bodies influence other things including other celestial bodies, animals, humans, and anything in the natural world. This has been around since ancient times, but it started declining in the 17th century.

Astrology Practices Now

Here are some of the things that are practiced in astrology still today:

  • Natal: Study of the birth chart.
  • Evectional: Timing of different events.
  • Horary: Answering questions that are specific.
  • Mundane: Political or financial.
  • Locational: Travel or relocating.

History of Astrology

Astrology has been around for more than 35,000 years. The writings that were found had to do with the celestial bodies and they were written on the walls of caves. Some made references to the different phases of the moon and how they guided them as to which way to go and when to harvest things.

According to Western tradition, astrology was used by people that were higher ups like Kings and Queens and other royal people.

Practices of Astrology

  • Chinese Astrology: Pillars of Destiny.
  • Indian Astrology: Jyotish.
  • Western Astrology: Modern and Traditional.

Where Did Western Astrology Come From?

There are early recordings around the Babylonian era that shows that the Greeks made note of astrology during the Hellenistic period. They talked about how they used Vedas that would do Jyotish astrology. There are other cultures from Greece and Persia and Arabia.

Some of the practices are from Hellenistic astrology. One of the most known astrologers are Claudius Ptolemy and he made different contributions and ideas towards astrology in texts called Terabiblos.

Ancient Influences of Astrology

  • Marcus Manillus: Known as one of the earliest astrologers.
  • Thrasyllus of Mandes: Wrote a book of astrology called “The Pentateuch.”
  • Vettius Valens: Wrote one of the most detailed astrological books called “Anthology.”

Understanding Traditional Astrology

People that study this kind of astrology believe that there is always a divine will. They believe that astrology is something that is fated. This is centered around predictions and other events that can answer questions. People ask questions like:

  • Can I know if my partner is cheating on me?
  • What kind of traits and talents do I have?

The questions are then answered by looking at the birth chart. This also uses horoscope of Thema Mundi which uses the planets and the sun and the moon, the planets but doesn’t use Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune.

Traditional Astrology Ideas

  • Essential Dignity
  • Domicile
  • Exaltation
  • Triplicity

Traditional Rulership

  • Sun: Creator or self.
  • Moon: Mind, mother, and emotions.
  • Mercury: Intelligence and communicating.
  • Venus: Aesthetics, love, and desire.
  • Mars: Passion, action, and assertions.
  • Jupiter: Expansion and luck.
  • Saturn: Father, structure, and responsibility.

Sign Significations of the Houses

  • House 1: Life and body.
  • House 2: Resources.
  • House 3: Community and siblings.
  • House 4: Real estate and parents.
  • House 5: Pleasure and creativity.
  • House 6: Illness and slaves.
  • House 7: Contentions and spouse.
  • House 8: Transformation and sex.
  • House 9: Travel and religion.
  • House 10: Fame and work.
  • House 11: Wishes and friends.
  • House 12: Confinement and Spirituality.

Ptolemaic Aspects

  • Conjunction: 0 degrees.
  • Sextile: 60 degrees.
  • Square: 90 degrees.
  • Trine: 120 degrees.
  • Opposition: 180 degrees.

Understanding Modern Astrology

Modern astrology believes in free will. It is read with a chart that is centered around different predictions. You can find out things and they use the birth chart to find out answers to the question that are asked.

Modern astrology uses horoscopes and will predict the 12 Letter Alphabet, traditional planets, luminaries, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto to represent the 12 different houses of astrology. Planetary conditions such as domicile, exaltation and those things aren’t taken into consideration.

Modern Tenets of Astrology

  • Leo: The Lion, playful.
  • Cancer: The Crab, moody and nurturer.
  • Gemini: The Twins, superficial and communication.
  • Virgo: The Maiden, padantic and analytical.
  • Taurus: The Bull, stubborn and enduring.
  • Libra: The Scales, indecisive.
  • Aries: The Ram, impulsive and brave.
  • Scorpio: The Scorpion, controlling and magnetic.
  • Sagittarius: The Archer, idealistic.
  • Capricorn: The Goat, callous.
  • Aquarius: The Water Bearer, rebellious.
  • Pisces: The Fishers, delusional.

House Using the 12 Letter Alphabet

  • House 1: Mars: Aries.
  • House 2: Venus: Taurus.
  • House 3: Mercury: Gemini.
  • House 4: Venus: Libra.
  • House 5: Sun: Leo.
  • House 6: Mercury: Virgo.
  • House 7: Venus: Libra.
  • House 8: Mars: Scorpio.
  • House 9: Jupiter: Sagittarius.
  • House 10: Saturn: Capricorn.
  • House 11: Uranus: Aquarius.
  • House 12: Neptune: Pisces.

Rulership’s of the Planets

  • Sun: Leo.
  • Moon: Cancer.
  • Mercury: Gemini and Virgo.
  • Venus: Taurus and Libra.
  • Mars: Aries.
  • Pluto: Scorpio.
  • Jupiter: Sagittarius.
  • Saturn: Capricorn.
  • Uranus: Aquarius.
  • Neptune: Pisces.

Comparing Traditional and Modern Astrology

These things are able to help you to understand the differences and to know which is best for what you want to do. Which should you use?

Traditional astrology is one that uses the sun and the zodiac signs to help you to understand thing in your life such as these:

  • Sun is self-action.
  • Moon is emotions and desires.
  • Ascendant is life and desires.
  • Venus is desires and action.

The chart will show that there is a positive effect and benefit with Venus and is a good way to tell the future.

Derivative House

You can use this house when you want to know things such as:

  • The 5th house can mean being creative and able to express yourself.
  • Mars can become the ruler of the 5th
  • Mars in the 5th house can mean your talents and creativity.

Modern Astrology Ideas

Here are some things to consider with modern astrology:

  • Sun is magnetic and controlling.
  • Moon is nurturing and moody.
  • Ascendant is brave and impulsive.
  • There can be a power balance in this art.


  • 10th House means reputation and career.
  • 10th House Cusp can mean Moon and Cancer.
  • This chart will be an emotional tie to the job.
  • The native chart shows emotions of those working.
  • The native power-oriented balance is love and arts.
  • The emotional work helps to show emotion and to bring healing.

Which Astrology to Use?

There are different opinions on which astrology to use. You should find out which is best for you, and which makes you the most comfortable. You can find a psychic that will help you to get the answers that you want for the needs that you have.

Rather you decide to use traditional or modern, look deeply into the methodologies and practices. No one is going to do the same kind of practices and it is up to you as to what approach that you take.


  1. The use of the 12 Letter Alphabet in Modern astrology is something I hadn’t heard about before. Interesting method.

  2. It’s interesting to see the different branches of astrology. I’ve always been curious about what makes Vedic astrology unique.

  3. The traditional rulerships of the planets seem quite logical. It’s clear that each planet has a specific influence.


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