Do You Want to Date a Taurus Man?

Taurus Man

Taurus is one of the signs of the zodiac and they are an earth sign that is ruled by the planet Venus. When you decide that you want to date a Taurus man, make sure that you are ready to have a man that is going to shower you with love and affection all the time. Taurus doesn’t like to be someone that is the center of attention, and he is usually pretty introverted. He is someone that does things at his own pace, but he will be very dependable to you or whoever he says he will do something for. He is committed and he will be committed to making sure that he shows you how committed he is, and this means he will do whatever he can to make you happy. He is stubborn sometimes though.

Getting a Taurus Man to Notice You

Since Taurus are normally introverted, they can be really shy. They will be calm, and they will be attracted to people that are also calm but also people that are true to who they are. They want to be with someone that will show their real emotions and will tell their opinions.

Taurus are often considered to be blunt, and they appreciate someone that is able to accept this trait about them. They are shy but they are also open, but they don’t take hints well. If you want him to know that you like him, you are going to have to tell him what you want. This will stop him from misunderstanding what your intentions are.

Dating a Taurus Guy

When you decide to date a Taurus, you need to make sure that you are being kind and that you aren’t inconsiderate of his feelings or the feelings of others. He won’t fight with you, and he doesn’t want you to be someone that is always going to be late or change the plans that he makes. If you keep doing this over and over again then he will just stop talking to you.

This is a man that never wants to be with a perfect partner but if you make a plan with him, make sure that you look at your calendar first to make sure you don’t have something else scheduled.

Another thing that he doesn’t like is someone that plays hard to get. If you want to date him, you need to tell him what you want and be direct and honest. If you play hard to get, then he will walk away and let you have someone else. Taurus will love that you are consistent with him and that you keep trying with him even if he isn’t as open at first. If you make him trust you, he will become vulnerable to you in time.

Talking to a Taurus Man

Taurus man can be hard to talk to sometimes. They want to talk to someone that is going to say what they are thinking and to be honest, but he doesn’t like drama or being confronted with things. He is honest and he will trust you, sort of, and if you are respectful and kind when you talk to him, he will open up to his real feelings.

What Turns a Taurus Man On?

Taurus men are romantic, and they want to be with people that like them for who they are. They love to take you out for a fancy dinner or to stay at home and cook and watch movies on the couch. They will have ideas of what makes a perfect date, and they will want to give you that.

They will love going out for romantic dinners at luxurious restaurants and they will work hard to make money. He will find you sexy if you work hard and if you do happen to have to cancel a date, if you tell him, it’s because of work, he will be more understanding. He will even understand why you canceled if you tell him you are working towards a promotion or a big project.

Since Taurus is a hard worker, he will understand that you work hard, and he will enjoy that part of your life. He will want to be with someone that is strong financially and emotionally.

What Turns a Taurus Man Off?

Taurus men hate drama, and they don’t like to be confronted. If you have a problem with him, you need to talk respectfully to him and kindly. If you are someone that makes him uncomfortable, he won’t ever call you back and so you need to make sure that you aren’t being that way. He also doesn’t like changes and he is very steady in what he does in life. He is looking for someone that will be stable with him and someone that is honest and reliable. He knows that there are risks that have to be taken sometimes but he will only take risks if he knows the outcome is going to be in his favor.

Are You Compatible with a Taurus?

Taurus are people that make great romantic partners if you can get them to open up to you. If you are interested in a Taurus man, read the above article to find out how to get him to notice you.


  1. I appreciate the tips on how to get a Taurus man to notice you. It’s always helpful to know what traits they find attractive.


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