There are different things that happen when summer comes, and this can include there being planetary things such as the Summer solstice when the sun is shining the brightest. There are times each year called the Day of Light where the sun is shining the most and it is the longest day of the year.
When the Strawberry Moon shows up, this happens when the strawberries become ripe in the northern hemisphere, and this can happen at a time where there will be supermoons during the year.
Getting a Tarot Reading During a Full Moon
During some full moons, getting a tarot card reading can help with life decisions, especially during a Strawberry Full Moon when life needs to be sweet, and life needs to move forward. You can use tarot to get an idea of what your life might look like in the future, but you can also see how your past has affected your now. This is a type of divination that is popular now but was also used years and years ago.
The cards in the tarot deck will have different images and different symbols and as the deck speaks to you, you will see what it has to say about your life.
When to do a Full Moon Tarot Spread
You should make your full moon tarot spread when the moon is full. If it is summer, such as June, the sun will be full of energy and the sun ray’s will be reflecting strongly on the earth. This means that the moon will also be bright. This is a great time to do a tarot spread and the energy of the full moon can help you.
There are people that think that they have to do tarot readings the night after the moon has risen while others believe that you can do it even as early as before the full moon comes and others even believe that you can do it anytime during the full moon or even the night after the full moon leaves. You can use the energy of the moon anytime, really, and when you see the moon in the sky, you know that they power is strong with it.
Full Strawberry Supermoon
In some years, the Full Strawberry Moon will happen, and this can even be a supermoon. If this happens to you, the tarot card reading can be even more powerful. This is a time that you can do a tarot spread and the energy will be strong. Do this during a moon ritual with a full moon and especially if there is a supermoon.
You can do a full moon spread during any full moon but if there is a Full Strawberry Moon then the power will make the excitement even stronger. If you want to know more about your relationships or love, this can be a time to do this kind of reading. This is a time that you can celebrate couples, weddings, finding a mate or just celebrate love. The summer solstice is a time when this kind of celebration is important and is marked by festivals where there is water used to cleanse and bless love.
How to Prepare for a Tarot Reading During a Full Moon
You can look at the different moon traditions when you do your own tarot card reading and you can modify it to fit whatever you need. Make sure that you have your area picked out and when you do, light a candle on each side where you are going to lay out your cards. This can be noted as a tradition that uses a bonfire as a symbol during the summer solstice. Make sure that the area you choose is by a window so that you can see the moon while doing the reading.
- Full Moon Tarot Spread
You can lay out any spread that you like but during a full moon some people like to start with their cards on the left side of the area first so that it can represent the new moon. The new moon can represent things that are going to come to you in your life and this is significant especially during a Strawberry Full Moon. This can be a time that you are starting something new with love.
On the right of the first card, the second card can be put with an arch in it. This can represent the waxing moon and is a time to grow and improve your life.
The next card is the third card, and you can put it in the middle of the spread in a semi-circle fashion with this card being the highest of the cards. This card can mean a full moon and can be about what your love will be like in your life.
The next card will be representing the waning moon and will be down a little from the third and highest card. This can be opposite of the waxing moon card and will show the problems that you will face in love and things that you need to improve on.
The last card can represent the dark moon and it will show things that can help you to make your love life better and improve the situations that you are facing. You can look at this card and decide if you need to close a relationship that has only failed for you or if there is a chance for healing.
Example of a Full Moon Reading
Here are some examples of what this reading could look like if these cards were pulled during the spread:
- Four of Swords: Represents finding peace in love and accepting and reflecting on your situation.
- Ten of Wands: Represents the waxing moon and the challenges that you will face. Sometimes you have to handle things that are hard.
- The Tower: If this is the third card it represents the full moon and it can tell you what is happening in your love life such as major changes that are coming.
- Four of Pentacles: As the fourth card this would represent the waning moon and would show what kind of relationship that you are in and if you are closed off to love. It can show if you need to protect yourself or if you are open to love.
- Five of Swords: If this is the final card, it would represent the dark moon, and this can mean that you need to learn to improve your life and take ownership of what has happened in your relationship. This kind of card can mean betrayal and it doesn’t mean that you are going to hurt someone that you love but it can mean that you are sabotaging yourself and hurting yourself because you don’t think that you deserve to be happy in love.
Using a One Card Spread in a Full Moon Reading
You can use one card during a full moon, and this is when you will be able to se the good things that happen in your life. You can look at your deck of cards and find one that fits you and speaks to you. Look at the card in the deck that makes you feel the most excited.
Some will choose a card like the Knight of Swords and will put the card in front of them during the full moon. This should happen through a window that can allow the drawer to see the moon. After you find your card, make sure that it brings you peace and happiness. Once you feel that this is your card, you can be thankful for what the card says to you.
No matter what you are going through in your life, make sure that you use the tarot cards to guide you and to help you to live your best life ever. If you need to know more about tarot card readings, talk to a psychic that can help you.
I found the explanation about the different cards in the tarot spread very helpful.
This article provides a clear explanation of how to prepare for a tarot reading during a full moon.
Good to know that the energy of the moon can be felt anytime during its full phase.
Interesting insights on how the moon phases can influence tarot readings.
The full moon tarot spread sounds like an interesting practice to try out.
The connection between the Summer solstice and the energy of the sun and moon is quite fascinating.
I appreciate the detailed steps on how to do a full moon tarot spread.
I didn’t know about the connection between the Strawberry Moon and tarot readings. Thanks for the information!