Being Compatible with a Scorpio

Being Compatible with a Scorpio

Someone born between October 23 and November 21st is the Scorpio sign on the zodiac. If you are in a relationship or want to date, you need to make sure that you are looking at people who would be compatible with you.

Traits of a Scorpio

There are different traits for each of the zodiac signs, and Scorpio is a fire sign. Scorpions are sensitive, very independent, the most loyal, and wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Least Compatible Signs for the Scorpio

These are the least compatible signs for the Scorpio sign:

  • Gemini and Scorpio

Scorpio and Gemini are five signs apart, meaning their relationship can be confusing. If these two signs get together, they will have difficulty making the relationship work. Gemini will want independence, and Scorpio will want their partner to commit to them.

It will be hard for them to find common ground in their relationship, and they will have difficulty appreciating each other.

  • Scorpio and Aquarius

Scorpio and Aquarius are three signs apart, and they will have a hard time in a relationship because Scorpions are emotional people, while Aquarius is shallower. They will have a tense relationship and have difficulty making each other happy.

It will be hard for Scorpios to get their emotional needs met. If they argue, Aquarius will be blunt, which will hurt Scorpios’ feelings. Scorpios also have a hard time forgiving.

  • Sagittarius and Scorpio

Sagittarius is a sign of Scorpio, and it is very open. This can be hard for Scorpio, who is a private personality. If they decide to date, Scorpio will be frustrated easily with the Sag, and they will have difficulty taking each other seriously.

These two signs have many differences, but they can share a lot of adventure together.

Most Compatible Scorpio Signs

Here are the signs that are most compatible with the Scorpio

  • Cancer and Scorpio

The most compatible matches would be Cancer and Scorpio. This is one of the best relationships. They are both commitment-minded, very emotional, and intuitive.

This will be a relationship with amazing sensual energies, and they will be great in their homes. They are both emotional and will be able to talk things through. If you are in this relationship, you need to make sure you build trust with each other.

  • Scorpio and Pisces

One of the most compatible matches is the Scorpio and Pisces. They are both possessive of what they have and will share with their partner to make the relationship amazing. They are both very romantic but tend to be jealous. They need to connect at a deep level.

  • Virgo and Scorpio

Scorpio and Virgos can get along well because they are both timid. They work together well, and they both will have shared goals.

Scorpios and Virgos can think deeply and are both loyal. They will be calm together and get along well.

Other Compatible Relationships

Here are some of the other relationships that the Scorpio can have:

  • Aries and Scorpio

These are signs that are five signs apart. They are known as the quincunx. These are signs that are ruled by Mars, and this means that they will enjoy going after the things that they want. They have to be careful not to lose their temper.

These two signs are both devoted, but Aries is often immature. They can be compatible if they can work through their differences.

  • Scorpio and Taurus

These two signs can work because they are opposites, but they can also simultaneously frustrate and excite each other. Taurus is stable and trustworthy, but Scorpios can become bound by their emotions.

In this kind of relationship, they have to balance their energies, and if they do, they can last forever. If they choose not to compromise, though, they won’t make it.

  • Leo and Scorpio

Scorpio and Leo are three signs apart, meaning they will have a hard time dating. They both want to be in control, and if they date, Leo is loyal, to a point, but they are also very flirty. This can make Scorpio defensive.

  • Scorpio and Libra

These two signs are known as semi-sextile because they are only one sign apart. They are considered to be opposites. Libra is very analytical, and Scorpio is very serious about their life.

Libra will make many friends in social situations, and Scorpios like to keep their circle small.

  • Scorpio and Scorpio

Even though this match seems like they should fit perfectly, they will have difficulty keeping each other excited. They are both very emotional and will note this, but it can be difficult with two emotional people in one relationship.

The problem is that they will have no mystery, and they will lack excitement.

  • Capricorn and Scorpio

Both of these signs have similar goals, and if they keep their energies aligned, they can achieve them. They can be a powerful couple.

When problems arise in this relationship, though, Scorpio can be very unsettled and angry, while Capricorn wants to be in control. This will be hard to accept, and compromises will be necessary.


  1. “Scorpio is a fire sign”—that’s incorrect. Scorpio is actually a water sign, along with Cancer and Pisces. Please fact-check your information before posting!

  2. Astrology is pseudoscience. There’s no empirical evidence that our personalities are influenced by our birth dates.

  3. “Scorpio and Gemini are five signs apart, meaning their relationship can be confusing.” How ironic! My best friend is a Gemini, and we get along splendidly. Maybe we’re an exception to the rule.

  4. “Scorpios wear their hearts on their sleeves.” Sure, and next you’ll tell me that Mercury in retrograde causes my car troubles.

  5. This article gives a fascinating insight into the compatibility of Scorpio with other zodiac signs. As a Scorpio myself, I can attest to the accuracy of these descriptions!


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