Aries and Cancer can have many challenges, but they can make the relationship work if they work hard at it. These are two cardinal signs, and even though they are great at being friends, being in a relationship might be harder.
This is a couple that is passionate, but they are also challenging. They can be matched, and they can make things work, or they will see that the challenges will tear them apart. Aries are independent and set big goals that they reach, while Cancer is someone who wants to stay home and relax. When they live together, they will have a challenge in making things work because they find that they want to have their own space, and they both want to claim the territory as their own.
This is a relationship that is far from relaxing. When they live together, they will have friction because one is always pushing to have their own way. This can cause there to be strong sexual chemistry, but other things can be sour. If they choose to work out the relationship, there has to be compromise.
Fire and Water Element
Aries is the fire element, and Cancer is water. This means that when things get going, water can put out the fire. Aries will want to have power in the relationship, and this can cause them to have stronger emotions than Cancer. The elements that come together can make a lot of passion and this is inviting when deciding if they should be in a relationship together or not.
Positive Traits of Aries and Cancer
Aries and Cancer are fire and water, and this means that if they work hard, then they can have the best balance. They can be a couple that work together in all seasons and they both are strong leaders. They have power that can help them to reach any goal.
Negative Traits of Aries and Cancer
Aries and Cancer are only considered to be three signs away on the zodiac, but this makes them a square sign according to astrology. This means that they are signs that are often against each other. This can create tension in the relationship. It can be hard for these signs to make it because they often have issues from their past that they don’t resolve right away, and so when hard things come up in the relationship, it can cause old wounds to open up. This can be positive, though, if they choose to make this a healing time.
Making the Relationship Succeed
These are two powerful signs, and they can make the relationship work out perfectly if they choose to work hard and decide to have compassion, respect, and compromise. In order to make this happen, open communication is a must.
‘They need compromise’—absolutely! But isn’t that true for all relationships? It’s interesting how astrology tries to make it seem like some pairings are inherently doomed or blessed based solely on signs.
‘Healing time’? I mean, come on! They should just be upfront about their issues instead of waiting for emotional wounds to resurface in the heat of arguments!
Honestly, I don’t buy this. Saying that Aries and Cancer can make it work sounds too optimistic. The fundamental differences between their personalities are likely to cause more issues than solutions in the long run.
The dynamics of fire and water in astrology is fascinating! This article does a great job at illustrating how these elements interact. It’s essential to consider how each sign’s traits can influence their relationship.
This is just wishful thinking! If you ask me, an Aries will always clash with a Cancer because they are too different. How can anyone expect them to find common ground? It’s destined for failure!
‘Open communication’—such an important point! Regardless of zodiac signs, any couple must communicate effectively if they want their relationship to thrive despite differences.